Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tippy Cup

I told myself that at 9 months I was going to start being VERY strict on Kolton with the sippy cup. I'd LOVE to have him off his bottle by a year. Every now and then I'd give him a NUK training cup. He wasn't fazed by it at all, and would drink out of it just like a bottle so I started to be a little more relaxed about the sippy cup scenario. But then the other day I decided to give him one. His MawMaw bought him TONS and I wanted them to start getting some use. I didn't think much of it, handed him his sippy cup while he enjoyed some snacks. I turned by back to wash some dishes, and when I turned back around this is what I seen...

then he flipped it upside down and started to chew on the bottom. It's a little bit different than his training cup, so I guess he's not fully ready for it just yet. Wish me luck, I'm going to keep trying!

1 comment:

Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

Don't worry, he'll get it. Maybe he will be like Mackenzie and take himself off the bottle at 11 months. He'll learn to love his cup. :)