Monday, June 29, 2009

What a great day!!

It's days like today that you have to stop and realize just how lucky and thankful you are.

First things first, today is Kolton's 8 month birthday! Can you believe, because I can not. I'm SO thankful to have that little booger in my life. He makes us laugh and smile countless times! He's absolutely perfect in every way! He's crawling, talking like crazy, has 2 teeth, eats baby puffs like crazy..TONS of other stuff that shock me. I still think he's a newborn! lol So anyway, HAPPY 8 MONTH MY LITTLE MONSTER BOY! Me and Daddy love you very much so!!

Also, we had an ultrasound today. It was our official ultrasound to measure everything, make sure everything was fine, and to CONFIRM the sex. Well, heart beat and measurements were good. Baby looked good. She kept calling it a wiggler. Oh she kept calling IT a SHE, well that's because IT is a SHE!! We're having a girl! How crazy, huh!? I can not begin to tell you how excited we are. We know we're blessed either way with this baby, but to just have a little girl is amazing! Our family MIGHT just be complete!

Also, Kolton couldn't tag along with us to the ultrasound. I was so upset! I really want him to be involved as much as possible, but they said he wasn't allowed in the room. So last minute I asked a friend to keep him. Can I just say this is the first time we have left him with anyone? However, I knew the person we were leaving him with would be great to him. So that's a pretty big monumental moment for us too! lol

Oh! and I don't know if she taught him this trick, but he started saying "Mom! Mom! Mom!" So great job Tara! lol Thanks!!

So as you can see, it's been a pretty eventful day! :)


Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

Aw! Yay!! Congratulations on baby GIRL Bragg!!! That is such exciting news! I just told Josh and his eyes about popped out of his head! :) We are so happy for y'all! I am also jealous of your friend Tara. I want to keep sweet Kolton too!!! ;) I'm glad you have someone there that you can trust with him, though so I'm not TOO hurt. ;) Again, congratulations on the sweet girl and a BIG happy 8 months to sweet Kolton! We love y'all!!

J and T plus Three said...

I totally taoght him that! :) About the time you posted this our day was getting pretty darn eventful too! LOL Thanks for all the well wishes!