Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Here lately Kolton's been trying to sit upright (and wiggle) while taking a bath. I can say a million and one great things about my son, but one thing he's really struggling with is sitting up. He can do it. He just gets so excited and gets distracted and lunges at stuff. I'm sure by now he should be sitting up while getting a bath, but he still lays on his bathfoam during bath time. However last night I got very brave and let him take a bath in his big boy tub. It was sort of a practice run for us both. You see, I'm getting more and more pregnant by the day, and getting him in and out of the tub is getting difficult. So I knew we had to have a new system.

It worked out pretty well. He loved it. He sat up great. He splished and he splashed..ALOT! Boy did we make a mess! lol But we had fun. I snapped some cute pictures of my Monster Boy! :)

Checking out the faucet...

Getting the faucet!!

He LOVED splashing!


Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

What a cutie patootie! I need to see him!!

Anonymous said...

He's getting so big. He looks like he's going to be tall. Please don't hurt your self getting him outta the tub.