Monday, August 10, 2009

Ooooh toodles..

I really hate letting Kolton watch TV. I swear up and down he's not going to be a TV junkie (like his momma) However, us mommies know that when your child shows such attention to something, you can't help but give in to them. While I'd clean up after Kolton's breakfast or why he'd play in his playpen I'd put the TV on Disney. Usually he'd pay absolutely no mind to it and continuing doing whatever. However, as of lately, he can NOT get enough of Mickey Mouse. The second he hears Mickey's voice, or the start of any music he rushes to get in front of the TV. I think it's the cutest thing ever that he has found something he likes so much!

1 comment:

Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

Well who DOESN'T love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?! We all love it at our house, and it's great for when Mama needs to get a couple things done. :)