Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Check ups -thumbs ups

Kolton, Emma, and I all had check ups Monday. All is well with all three of us! My belly is getting bigger, my back is starting to hurt a little more, and I stay exhausted. But who's complaining? Emma's heart rate was great, and she's moving and kicking like crazy. Kolton is growing like a weed, his weight and height is right on target, and his motor skills are right on target (and some advanced) His doctor told me to get ready, he'll be walking soon. Which I'm actually excited about. I know he'll be into a lot more things, and I'll be busy with him (like I'm not now?!) but he wants to be SO mobile and I think he'll just enjoy being able to walk. He's 29 inches long, 21 lbs, and his head is still 19 inches. Last time we were there she was a little concerned with how big his head was, but it hasn't grown anymore, and his body is catching up to his head. Woohoo! While I was filling out the baby survey of all the things your child is able to do, I came to the conclusion I have a baby genius on my hands. Ha! Don't we all say that ladies?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geez Adam don't smile or anything lol. I am glad all is good. I really just can't believe that he is almost 1!!!